+91 9970174035 dhiraj@envirocoats.net


As well as the obvious requirement of providing illumination, light fixtures also have to look great. Whether it’s traditional, modern, industrial, contemporary or country style, the colors, patterns, textures and effects that perfectly complement the shape and form of the fixture are extremely important. Envirocoats offers a vast range of stylish powder colors and effects that complement the look and feel of the piece no matter what the design.

Envirocoats boasts a great range of powder coatings for the lighting industry. From residential to commercial, indoor to industrial and patio to playpark, we have a product that will not only ensure the fixtures look great, but make sure they stand up to the demands placed on them. Whether it’s improved finger printing, resistance to yellowing or exterior performance in terms of color retention and salt and humidity resistance, our powder coatings work hard.

What’s more you can further improve the performance of your product. Lighting up hospitals, labs or care facilities? Add anti-microbial capability to your coating. Lighting the way in public spaces? Make it easy to remove graffiti with our anti-graffiti product. Need to add extra illumination? Ask about our high reflective whites.